D Harding

25 February 2022 - 20 July 2025

Wall Composition on Darumbal is a work by Ghungalu, Bidjara and Garingbal artist D Harding. It is inspired by the ancient Aboriginal rock art of Carnarvon Gorge, exploring concepts of belonging, place and the continuity of First Nations people and their culture.

The wall-based artwork responds to gender in subtle expressions, merging human and non-human forms whilst the dominant geographical feature, Tunuba (Fitzroy River), honours ancient and ongoing Darumbal custodianship and connection to neighbouring First Nations groups.

The inclusion of bottle trees implies sacred representations. Long and short markings depict historical events that have occurred on Darumbal Country pre and post European settlement, combining symbols of western tools and blurring delineations of time to emphasise cultural continuity. Observers are invited to explore the work at their own leisure.

Wall Composition on Darumbal in the Long Gallery, Rockhampton Museum of Art. Pigment and acrylic binder on gallery wall. Purchased with funds provided to the Rockhampton Museum of Art from the Commissioning Collective 2021.

Photo: Mad Dog Productions.

D Harding Rockhampton Museum of Art

D Harding Rockhampton Museum of Art

D Harding Rockhampton Museum of Art

D Harding_Wall Compostion_work in progress
  D Harding_Wall Compostion_River